Author Topic: I want to buy Buildar but I need more information.  (Read 513 times)


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Re: I want to buy Buildar but I need more information.
« on: August 08, 2011, 04:30:03 pm »
Hi Joe, and thanks Fran for answering this for us.  Yes, as Fran mentions, BuildAR Pro support natural feature tracking, which means that it can also detect images like this.  However, some images work better than others.  The thing to be aware of a case like the Lego box is for the lighting and position of the camera to be in a position that would minimize high-lights and good overall illumination of the box from most angles.

If you want to verify before trying, we offer a trial version:

The trial version doesn't have the save your creations to a file, but it would allow you to create a simple test to verify if it would for you.

All the best,

- Gabriel